
Porcini Strozzapreti with Cherry Tomatoes

Portions2 peopleChangeTiming 35 minsView
Ingredients9 IngredientsViewSwitzerland96 % localView
  • 100  grams dried cherry tomatoes
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
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  • 250  grams EAZY SALSA Tomatensalsa
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
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    Product info (DE only)

    Diese Salsa belebt und veredelt jedes Gericht. Aus besten Schweizer Zutaten hergestellt eignet sich die Salsa als Topping für Tacos, Fajitas oder als würziges Extra zu einem Omelette. Handgemachte Arizona Salsa aus Basel mit regionalen Zutaten und einer grossen Portion Tradition.

  • clove fresh garlic
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
    Where can I buy it locally?
  • 0.5  fresh onion
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
    Where can I buy it locally?
  • 50  grams mountain cheese
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
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    Foodwaste tip

    Mould on a chese does not always mean that the (whole) cheese needs to be thrown away. The Swiss association explains in this helpful video which types of mould there are and in which cases mouldy cheese is edible.

    Watch the cheese video (DE)
  • tablespoons Olivenöl Zakros von AMFORA
    Foreign ingredient
    This ingredient is currently available from foreign production
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    Product info (DE only)

    Das Olivenöl wird von Kleinbauern zusammengetragen und gemeinschaftlich gepresst. Anschliessen wird dieses Extra Vergine Olivenöl direkt von Amfora aus Genf importiert, ohne Zwischenhändler und -stops. Das einzigartige native Olivenöl besitzt einen niedrigem Säuregehalt (0,65 %)und ist aromatisch und ausgewogen mit einem wunderbaren Buttergeschmack.

  • 300  grams PASTA SOCIALI Steinpilz-Strozzapreti
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
    Where can I buy it locally?
    Product info (DE only)

    Um die Priester-Würger, die Strozzapreti ranken sich einige Legenden. So soll die raue Textur so köstlich und hungerstillend sein, dass selbst gute Esser wie Priester daran genug hatten. Die Pasta wird von Hand hergestellt und verpackt. Die Hauptzutat ist Hartweizengriess aus der Mühle in Blauen im Kanton Basel-Landschaft.

  • teaspoon salt
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
    Where can I buy it locally?
  • teaspoons WÜRZSTOFF Tomatenwürze
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
    Where can I buy it locally?
    Product info (DE only)

    Ob im Sommer für frische Tomatensalate, Tomatenkaltschalen oder im Winter für eine deftige Bolognese – das Tomatenwürze hebt den Geschmack der Tomaten hervor und verleiht Deinem Gericht eine schöne Würze.

Click on an ingredient to learn more about it. A red Swiss flag indicates that the locally-produced ingredient is currently in season. Learn more about our display of local ingredients

Peel 0.5 fresh onion and 1 clove fresh garlic and mince them finely
Add 2 tablespoons Olivenöl Zakros von AMFORA to a medium-sized saucepan and heat up until hot
Add the onion and garlic to the saucepan and sauté them on medium heat for about 3 minutes until golden brown
Add 250 grams EAZY SALSA Tomatensalsa and 100 grams dried cherry tomatoes to the saucepan and mix well
Bring the tomato salsa to the boil and turn down the heat to the lowest level to keep it warm
Add water to a large saucepan and heat it up over high heat until it is boiling
Add 1 teaspoon salt and 300 grams PASTA SOCIALI Steinpilz-Strozzapreti to the boiling water and cook the pasta for about 5 minutes until al dente
Season sauce with 3 teaspoons WÜRZSTOFF Tomatenwürze
Grate 50 grams mountain cheese
Drain the strozzapreti with a colander, add them to the sauce and mix until well combined
Serve the pasta on plates and sprinkle the grated cheese over the strozzapreti

Porcini Strozzapreti with Cherry Tomatoes


Timing 35 mins
Portions2 people
Ingredients9 Ingredients


  • 100  grams dried cherry tomatoes
  • 250  grams EAZY SALSA Tomatensalsa
  • 1  clove fresh garlic
  • 0.5  fresh onion
  • 50  grams mountain cheese
  • 2  tablespoons Olivenöl Zakros von AMFORA
  • 300  grams PASTA SOCIALI Steinpilz-Strozzapreti
  • 1  teaspoon salt
  • 3  teaspoons WÜRZSTOFF Tomatenwürze

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  • 1 large saucepan
  • 1 medium-sized saucepan
  • 1 cutting board
  • 1 knife
  • 1 grater
  • 1 colander

Porcini Strozzapreti with Cherry Tomatoes



Peel 0.5 fresh onion and 1 clove fresh garlic and mince them finely
Add 2 tablespoons Olivenöl Zakros von AMFORA to a medium-sized saucepan and heat up until hot
Add the onion and garlic to the saucepan and sauté them on medium heat for about 3 minutes until golden brown
Add 250 grams EAZY SALSA Tomatensalsa and 100 grams dried cherry tomatoes to the saucepan and mix well
Bring the tomato salsa to the boil and turn down the heat to the lowest level to keep it warm
Add water to a large saucepan and heat it up over high heat until it is boiling
Add 1 teaspoon salt and 300 grams PASTA SOCIALI Steinpilz-Strozzapreti to the boiling water and cook the pasta for about 5 minutes until al dente
Season sauce with 3 teaspoons WÜRZSTOFF Tomatenwürze
Grate 50 grams mountain cheese
Drain the strozzapreti with a colander, add them to the sauce and mix until well combined
Serve the pasta on plates and sprinkle the grated cheese over the strozzapreti